Wednesday, January 25, 2006

2 SUN apps for free

Kemarin siang (atau sore, gw lupa) main ke, dunno kemarin kesambet apa tau-tau kesana. beberapa hal menarik yan gw temuin disana, pertama
Java Tutorial Update: J2SE 5.0 The Java Tutorial, a practical guide for programmers with hundreds of complete working examples, has recently been updated to include J2SE 5.0.

Kedua, ada dua aplikasi gratis dari sun (maap gw males nulis and nerjemahin, ini cuma gw copy paste dari situs sun) :
  • Java Studio Creator is an easy-to-use IDE for serious web development on the Java platform. Build applications visually, with minimal code creation, using its drag-and-drop components (EJBs and web services, too), automatic page navigation, and other convenient features.
  • Java Studio Enterprise's rapid architecture and modeling capabilities enable faster development of enterprise-grade applications for the Java platform. The latest release features code-aware developer collaboration software that will dramatically increase enterprise development team productivity.
Ups ada satu lagi yang ketinggalan
Sun Studio software, available for the Solaris and Linux platforms, contains record-setting optimizing compilers and tools for the C, C++ and Fortran developer. The release for the Linux platform includes the IDE, tools, and is GCC compatible. (A technology preview featuring Sun compilers on Linux is also available for download). Supporting the newest UltraSPARC-, x64-, and x86-based systems, Sun Studio integrates its acclaimed graphical debugger and visual performance analysis tools in a Netbeans-based IDE.
Gw gak yakin itu free selamanya atau semacam trial tapi setahu gw yang free selamanya, barusan kesasar ke salah satu halaman kelihatannya spesifikasi minimum untuk menjalankan aplikasi-aplikasi itu cukup tinggi, yang jelas kompie gw di kost gak bakal kuat, he he he, jadi mungkin harus nyoba dikampus.

Kayaknya itu aja dulu, nanti kalau ada yang menarik gw post lagi. Sekarang ini gw baru mau serius (serius kalau itu sirius ding ya? he he he) belajar java python dulu baru java. kalau ada pakar python, java dll, yang main ke blog gw silakan berbagi saya dengan senang hati akan menerima pelajaran dan masukan dari anda-anda.

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