Friday, January 06, 2006

Too Much task this week

Damn! there are so much task that must be done this week. Yes, it's all my task as a student in this lovely place (although sometimes it sucks, but thanks to ALLAH, I still have a chance to enter this state university). Actually it's my false, and perhaps absolutely my false because my bad fuckin habit, always delaying when have a task to finish, yeah....when it near it's deadline, then I confuse myself to finish it.

Anyway, the task that I Have to finish is.....
  • E-Commerce(2 task), the 1st one is a mid term task but I misunderstood my lecturer's order. Fortunately It must be submitted via email. the 2nd task is for the final test. I will finish it after writing this post.
  • Business Communication (damn! it also 2 task?). Yes, the 1st is a long....a very long delayed submission(I wouldn't talk about it). The 2nd one is from Bu Rini, We(I have a group with my friend robi, actually he have finished it several days ago, but perhaps I'll add some more material, if posibble).
  • Research Metodology. In the day when I'll have a final test I have to submit a theses proposal. Alhamdulilah it almost finish, just need some....ummm perhaps three more pages.
  • The last one is came from co-operation and small business management course, it's conducted by my dean and he give us a task to write a term paper about co-operation. Fortunately no theme for it so I can make a (not so short) story....wakakakaka
But In the other side I have finished my task in Management Information System from Mr. Made Sukresna. This afternoon after taking lunch I went to a copycenter to take my bundle, it's the book which I told in this previous post. The Official Samba 3 HOWTO and reference Guide. Nice with a pink cover. anyway, lately I'm thinking that this blog is going to be an online diary rather than blog. do you think the same? please give me some comment.

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